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Wall of Thanks

Near and far, young or old, we want to express our gratitude and appreciation to all our backers for our successes to date! 
THANK YOU! wonderful donors, including those who have chosen to remain anonymous, for blessing the numerous libraries, schools and children's homes. 

Advanz Fidelis

Bernard Emby

Desmond Ch'ng

Graham Ablett

Jennifer Yuen


Koo's Giving Charitable  Foundation

KC Gan

Lai Voon Hon

Lionel Ch'ng

Lydia Koo


Ngan Teng Ye

Priority Communications 

Tina Tan

The Shevel Family

The Sutton Family 

VISTA Eye Specialist

Their donations go towards the following charities (with more to follow!): 

Animal Friends

Orphan Care

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better


Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


The Hospital for Sick Children 

SJK (C) Khuen Hean 

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals



The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 

The Toronto Humane Society 

Wood Green Animal Shelter

Kickstarter Backers

Adah Kwan

Alexander Stamatiou

Amanda Lokman


Andrew Yee

Annie Wong

Anja Geleyns


Barry Kluner

Benjamin Ellefson

Betty Tan

Brian Callan

Cally Lim

Calvin Symons

Choon Siew Mei

D Calder

Daniel Brown

Datin Ng Sook Ming

Debbie David

Diana Chin

Don, Beth & Meghan Ferris

​Elaine Chuah, Ryan Tan & Regan Tan

Elaine Lau

Elizabeth Chee

Emily Cheong Yek Yeng

Eng Kim Neoh

Eric W.Y. Chen

Esther Kate Helena Law

Faythe & Vyktore Hon


Florence Lambert

FS Choy


Goh Khim Yeen

Hans K Vieregge

Hasnul Hadi Samsudin

​Hia Ngee Yeow

Hin Ming

Hui Lee Lin

Jane Leong

Janice Yeoh

Jackie Tan

Jeffery Williams

Joanna Ling

Joanne Lee

Joey Loo

Jonathan Lai

June Keegim Pang

Karen LSC

Katherine L Crispin

Kee Shih Lene

Keith Blyth


Kevin Zoeteman


L "Train" Williams​

LeAnne Sinclair

Lee Jun King

Lee Siew Ling

Lee Sze Min 

Lee Teng

Lin T

Lim Bee Huay

Lim Boon Siong

Lim Pui Keng

Lucy Kok

Lucy Wong


Mac Chung lynn

Maggie Tan

​Matthew & Sandra Costard

Mei Ling

N. Gunananthan

Nancy Lai


Nick Yen

Nicolas Chapuis

Ooi Thien Yao

Ong Boo Chuan


P'ng Esene

Patricia Lim


​Pey Shy



Quek Lee Heng

Randall Tan

Rakesh Devalapally

Regina Quek


Ryan Leong

Sarah Ooi

Shawn Hansen

Shireen Zainudin

Sheerleen Wan

Siew Ling Yap

Simon Mounteney

Soh Miaw Lin

Stephen P Francis

Stephen Tee

Tan Renjie

The Wangs


Vishnu Dharma

Woo Kit Yee

Woon Bing


Yoon Sook Yee

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