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Want to know more?

Here’s where you’ll get updates and information about what’s happening, as well as interesting titbits and things happening behind the scenes.


Find updates, reports and articles about the Tails of Ae’tann here!   


Find all the latest additions to the series and the books, like the introduction of new characters, new artwork, videos and behind-the-scenes trivia here! 

Lit Books Meet and Greet!

Wednesday (7 July 2018)


We had such a great time with all who came to our Lit Books Meet and Greet event! Readers got to listen to a reading of the books and meet with Woon Bing, our lead artist, and Zhi Lin, our artist for The Greatest King























A big thank you to everyone and to Lit Books for hosting the event!



Malaysia's National Intellectual Property Awards 2018

Thursday (13 September 2018)


We are very proud to announce that for his work in the Tails of Ae’tann series, Woon Bing, our art director and lead artist from Malaysia received an award in the Copyrights Category at the Malaysian National Intellectual Property Awards 2018!


Woon Bing was the only winner for art and the sole non-technical winner at the Awards.  The event was officiated by the Malaysian Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, and he spent some time with Woon Bing and the team in our booth at the Winners’ Exhibition. Congratulations Woon Bing!
























































Kinokuniya Book Launch!

Wednesday (7 July 2018)
















Now in bookshops! Look out for our displays!

Tuesday (05 April 2018)














A Sunset Story is a medal winner at the 2017 IPPY Book Awards

Tuesday (02 May 2017)











We were awarded a medal in the Juvenile Fiction category at the 2017 US Independent Publisher Book Awards! We're really happy about it and about our upcoming books! Find out more about them here


The Tails of Ae'tann: A Sunset story in Animal Friends

Wednesday (01 March 2017)









Through our Share the Love 10X program, a number of copies of The Tails of Ae’tann: A Sunset Story, and the coloring books were donated to Animal Friends in Pennsylvania. They have set up a beautiful display to showcase the books in their on –site retail store. Find out more about their pet-friendly pet supply store and boutique here: Do pay them a visit if you’re in the neighborhood!


We are in the newspapers!

Thursday (24 November 2016)

Grab a copy of The Star newspapers today because WE'RE IN IT!!! You can also read about us  here.





We are looking to expand our reach in the commercial and retail sectors! 

Thursday (12 April 2018)













We are seeking:

Distributors (International and Regional)

Retailers (Local, International and Regional)

Merchandising Partners

Literary Agents for Multi-Platform and Translation Rights

Consultants for Series Fiction Development


For more details on how we can work together and the support we can provide, kindly contact us at: 


You could also download our PDF for more information!



Watch our book trailer! 

Wednesday (11 April 2018)


Check out our Advance Information Sheet! 

Wednesday (11 April 2018)


Find out more about us in our Advance Information Sheet here

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